Baker's Dozen: Le Mans, Catalunya MotoGPs

MotoGP rider manager Phil Baker answers 13 questions covering the recent Le Mans and Catalunya rounds of the 2012 season...
Stoner slides, Catalunya MotoGP 2012
Stoner slides, Catalunya MotoGP 2012
© Gold and Goose

Phil Baker worked with MotoGP world champion Nicky Hayden (2004-10) and race winner Chris Vermeulen (2007-10) before setting up his own company, SA 1 Management.

The US-based Brit then managed Factory Yamaha MotoGP star Ben Spies and now works with reigning Moto2 world champion Stefan Bradl, who is stepping up to MotoGP this season with LCR Honda.

Got a question for Phil? Post your questions for the next installment of Baker's Dozen within the comments section below...

1. Q:
What are your thoughts on Casey Stoner's decision to retire?

Phil Baker:
I personally think it is a great shame as his talent is amazing to watch. There were some great shots taken in Catalunya of the lean angle of some of these guys, and Casey always seems to be a couple of degrees further over than anyone else.

Having Casey and Jorge fighting up front is always a joy to watch, as neither gives an inch. It is unfortunate to see the reigning world champion seemingly depart the sport early, but it is his life and his decision.

I hope he leaves the sport with his head held high, and with the intention to become an ambassador for the sport in the future, and just hope he is remembered for his talent and achievements on the track.

2. Q:
What does Stoner's exit mean for the 2013 rider market?

Phil Baker:
As you can imagine, the rumour mill started in abundance the second Casey made his decision. It has certainly strengthened Lorenzo's position and raised the demand for him, as well as raising questions as to whether he will stay at Yamaha.

2013 is a particularly interesting year, as nearly everyone's contract is up for renewal anyway, and Casey's retirement offers up the possibility of a new factory rider, be it Yamaha, Ducati or Honda.

Until Lorenzo makes up his mind as to where he will go next year, I think everything else is on ice and will quickly fall into place once we have his decision out in the open.

3. Q:
How do you think Jorge Lorenzo will play things - sign early or wait as late as possible?

Phil Baker:
Jorge will not be in any hurry. He is the class act at the moment and his performances in France and Catalunya have just proven that. I know both his management team and that of Yamaha and both sides are totally professional.

I do not think anyone, on either side, is in a rush to make a deal soon and would be surprised if any announcement were made prior to Laguna Seca. Until that is done, all the other rumours mean very little.

4. Q:
What should Lorenzo's priorities be from a contractual point of view?

Phil Baker:
To be on the best bike with the chance to win as many races as possible. Personally, I would like him to stay at Yamaha because long term commitment to teams by star quality riders is good for the sport.

5. Q:
Do you think Dani Pedrosa's contract renewal will now be a formality?

Phil Baker:
No. Nothing is a formality at the moment. Sure, Repsol's support gives him certain advantages but it has been 6 or 7 years since Pedrosa won a GP title (250cc) and there may be questions about his MotoGP championship prospects.

6. Q:
Stefan is one of the few riders already with a 2013 contract. However he was voted second, after Valentino Rossi, in a poll to take Stoner's Repsol Honda ride. Would it be too soon?

Phil Baker:
Stefan has had a brilliant start to the season and made more than a few heads turn at his overall performance. After a year on the satellite bike, I feel he would be ready for the step up to factory team and I don't think he would disappoint. He is excellent at technical feedback and would be a great team mate to any of the current top riders.

7. Q:
What's your take on the Marquez/Espargaro incident in Moto2, and the penalties and appeals that followed?

Phil Baker:
Unfortunately, the decision to overturn the penalty has generated poor publicity. Rules are rules and although it looked like a racing incident, Espargaro had the door firmly shut in his face and could have ended up with serious injury. The penalty should have stuck in my view and a more consistent approach is needed.

Take a look at Simoncelli on Pedrosa at France last year which gave him a ride through penalty and cost him a podium. It was certainly worse than that incident in my book, and should have carried a similar penalty to it. As it is, Marquez gets 16 points and Espargaro scores zero.

8. Q:
The Repsol Honda riders seem unhappy with the change to the new spec Bridgestone front tyre from Silverstone. How does Stefan get on with it?

Phil Baker:
Stefan is learning every time he is out on the bike and not in a position to criticise the decision on the tires. He will get on with the job in hand and make the best out of it, as proven throughout this season.

9. Q:
How significant was Valentino Rossi's second place in the wet at Le Mans?

Phil Baker:
The significance of having Valentino back on the podium was huge. He is the main attraction to the sport and has been for years, and it is good for the sport for him to be running near the front. He has built up an incredible fan base who are tuning in to see their hero be competitive.

The result gave light at the end of the tunnel for Ducati, and although there still appears a lot of work to be done in the red team, I know he and the team will never give up and keep fighting until he is a regular contender for the podium once more.

10. Q:
What did you make of Andrea Dovizioso taking Tech 3's first podium?

Phil Baker:
A brilliant ride and one that was richly deserved. The bike that Tech 3 churns out week after week is an amazing bike. Herve Poncharal has a knack of getting the best out of his team and riders. I think that Dovi will go forward from here and get more podiums and put his name firmly up for promotion to the factory team.

But that said, Cal also rode really well, and will fight all the way to beat his team-mate and prove that he is more qualified for that ride. Silverstone should be a great battle between the two of them and knowing Cal, "the honey badger" won't give up without a massive fight. The bottom line is that Tech 3 will benefit from this competition.

11. Q:
The Tech 3 riders apparently paying for the own brake upgrade has caused plenty of discussion. What's your view on it?

Phil Baker:
Teams like Tech 3, Gresini and LCR are all run on very tight budgets where profit margins are very slight - if at all. Sponsorships are not what they used to be and these teams can only afford to use what is given to them from their suppliers, or what is within their budgets.

If a rider has budget for upgraded parts that the team cannot afford, then I presume it is a decision between the rider, team and suppliers whether they receive such parts.

My only additional comment is that it shows the difference between what the factory bikes have and what the satellite teams receive and just shows how well the satellite riders are doing to be up there fighting with the factory riders.

12. Q:Viewer question: What relevance does positional based info have to general motorcycle development? It should be banned. Only gyros/accelerometers should be allowed?

Phil Baker:
It's a good question and perhaps you should sit in on some of the technical meetings that the manufacturers have. I agree that such technology does not get translated on to road bikes, but at the same time, this is the pinnacle of two wheel racing and such technology needs to remain in order to stay in front of the other championships like WSBK.

13. Q:Viewer question: Why don't MotoGP/2/3 bikes have starter motors? It is an excellent improvement in WSBK (more bikes racing after crashes). Even MX bikes have starter motors...

Phil Baker:
Another great point and something that would certainly see more of the fallers clambering back on and finishing the race.

The argument for this is that if you come off, should you be allowed to restart or is that the end of your race?

The other issue is about the weight benefit versus the restarting opportunities. There is also a safety risk from restarting a potentially damaged bike.

Again, it's six of one and half a dozen of the other and I know that the paddock is pretty much split on such a decision.

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