Neck brace removed as “lucky to be here” Isle of Man rider explains recovery
Update on recovery after terrifying Isle of Man crash

Chris Moffitt has provided an update on his gruelling recovery after his Manx Grand Prix accident.
Moffitt previously admitted he was “lucky to be here” after crashing at Ballacrye in the Junior Race on the Isle of Man.
“Thought i'd do an update 14 weeks after my crash during the Manx Grand Prix,” he wrote from hospital.
“After spending 5 weeks at Noble’s Hospital receiving amazing care I was transferred to the Sid Watkins rehabilitation centre at the Walton Centre where I have spent the last 7 weeks, starting the long road to recovery with intensive physio, occupational therapy, psychology and speech and language therapy.
“I have made huge progress in the last 7 weeks, still a long way to go but we're getting there slowly!
“My team of doctors, physios etc are pleased with the progress and will be looking at heading home in the not too distant future!
“Finally had the neck brace removed last week which feels painful but amazing!
“All in all I'm happy with how everything is progressing, I honestly can't thank everyone here at the Sid Watkins centre enough for everything they have done for me, everyone at Noble’s Hospital for everything they did for me and getting me over here, the Manx Grand Prix Club for all of there help and support its massively appreciated.
“And finally all of my family and friends for all they have done for me, and everyone for the calls and messages!got to meet our new puppy Rufus last weekend I’m sure he will keep me on my toes!”