F2 driver’s dad banned from Silverstone after paddock punch-up

Bolukbasi and Nissany were forced to retire from Sunday’s feature race prematurely after contact at Turn 2.
The two were battling through the opening couple of corners, with Nissany clipping the rear of Bolukbasi’s car, ending both of their races.
After the pair’s incident, Bolukbasi’s father, Yavuz went to the DAMS paddock area and had a heated exchange with Nissany.
It soon escalated with Yavuz Bolukbasi and Nissany’s trainer, Francesco Martinez, pushing each other, with the stewards describing it as “physical contact”, but stressed that no punches were thrown.
“After an on track incident between Cars 16 and 23 the father of the driver of Car 23, Mr Yavuz Bolukbasi, along with the driver’s manager went to the DAMS Paddock tent,” the statement said.
“Mr Bolukbasi admitted that he lost his temper when he thought that the driver of Car 16 made a derogatory comment about his son. At the DAMS tent Mr Bolukabasi provoked a heated verbal exchange with the driver of Car 16.
“As the verbal exchange escalated the trainer for Roy Nissany became involved and there was some pushing and physical contact between the father and the trainer [Francesco Martinez].
“No punches were exchanged and the unwanted guests were removed from the area.”
The FIA also said that: “at no time will physical violence, nor the threat of such be tolerated. In keeping with ISC Art 9.15.1 Competitors are responsible for all acts of persons to whom they have given access to the Reserved Areas”.
The Charouz driver was also fined €5,000 due to his father’s actions.